How to Cultivate More Calm, Confidence, and Contentment NOW

I do my own personal development work all the damn time.

I self-coach, hire coaches, do trainings, and read heaps of books forever and always.

Some of it lands, some I let go.

One thing I know for sure is that the more we are willing to FEEL - and get curious about what we feel - the greater our capacity for calm, confidence, connection, and contentment.

As I expand my capacity to FEEL, my coaching becomes more POTENT.

Over the last year I have witnessed countless client breakthroughs.


✨ This friendship is toxic!

✨ I want a divorce!

✨ Oh my god, this is where my sadness comes from!

✨ I want to sell the business I live and breathe!

✨ Jeeeez, I see it! I see how I can alchemize my loneliness into confidence!

Moments of catharsis.

Glimpses into one's own incredible power.

I should add, this work is not for the faint of heart.

I go DEEP and my clients get BRAVE.

Once a truth is known, it cannot be unknown.

One of my superpowers is leading clients through scary, challenging terrain in a way that feels easy and empowering!

Those breakthroughs I just mentioned?

They've catalyzed....

💛 Claiming much more rest, movement, pleasure, and joy!

💛 Communicating honestly, openly and effectively with partners, bosses, and children!

💛 Releasing unworthiness and replacing it with connection, self-kindness and increased incomes!

I am looking to 2024 and I have 1:1 spots available.

If you are ready to expand your capacity to FEEL, thereby releasing yourself from outdated behavior and thought patterns, so that you can really OWN your talents, your yearnings, your incredible passions and gifts... well hot damn, I want to hear from you!

2024 could be your pivot year when it all shifts in a thousand wild ways 🙌🏻


Why I spent March in a sinkhole… and how I got out!


How do I find my purpose?