Rest & Rise



  • Nourish your body. Revitalize your spirit. 

  • Connect with your sacred feminine essence.

  • Immerse yourself in the magic of deep rest, ceremony, and sisterhood.    

  • All while nestled in a premier mountain lodge. 

Are you craving nourishment on every level? 

Are you longing for the space to slow down, get quiet, and check in with yourself?  

Are you yearning for sacred community where you are connected, held and seen? 

Do you miss feeling energized and inspired? 

I see you. I get it.   

As modern women, we’ve become Master Doers - constantly pushing, striving, achieving, and holding up more than half the sky. There’s an intoxicating thrill in managing so much, and managing it well. After all, we are celebrated and rewarded for it. We feel accomplished and responsible. We care for our families while progressing in our careers. We play a valuable role in our communities while tending to aging parents. We’re skilled at wearing so many hats. We’re experts in “giving it our all.”   


We daydream of leaving it all behind, hitting the open road, moving to a cabin in the woods, or devoting ourselves to an ascetic life of prayer. But our families, our communities, our careers… We’ve worked so hard to get where we are, and much of it we love dearly.

Thus continues a depleting cycle of feeling locked into self-sacrifice, soothing our ache by staying busy, and watching, as our essential selves become faint memories of who we once were, as a swell of regret and resentment roils just beneath the surface.   

We tiptoe around the impossible choice of either/or, real life or dream life. Surely we can’t have both… Right?

Does this resonate?

If so, Rest & Rise might just be for you! 

February 20-23, 2025 at Sterling Forest Lodge in Stowe, Vermont

A skilled and passionate Wayshower who knows what it's like to live the question, “Is this it?” To arrive at that painful juncture where the choice appears as two diverging paths: one responsible and rooted, the other bursting with adventure and freedom. 

I’m a mother of one toddler and a co-parent to his father. I’m a transformational life coach and radical rest facilitator who’s life’s work is to see the wild and free essence that is YOU - your Essential Self, your unabashed joy and vitality - and help you fully embody and express this essence in a way that only you can. I know the pain of dimming my inherent light in the name of “being practical,” as well as the ecstatic bliss of reclaiming my Rested Woman, and it is my great honor to help you reclaim her, too. 

I believe that radical rest, sacred community, and an intimate connection to Mother Earth are keystone components of the journey home to yourself. 

I’m Caitlin

Rest & Rise:

A 3-Day Retreat in the Mountains of Vermont 

is an intimate 3-day retreat for the woman ready to revolutionize her relationship to herself and her loved ones through radical, embodied self-care.

Through radical and embodied self-care, masterful coaching, compassionate sisterhood, curated ceremony, time for reflection, and with the wild mountains enveloping you, you’ll free yourself of emotional and spiritual blocks, tap into a wellspring of vital energy, and create lasting intimacy with your essential Self.  

  • During this exquisite retreat, you’ll be lovingly held and guided into deep states of relaxation and visualization where you’ll enter the liminal space between wakefulness and sleep. It is through this portal that you’ll encounter the revelatory insights and healing powers of your Rested Woman - your archetypal key to unlocking a wellspring of self-trust and self-love.  

  • From wholesome meals inspired by Ayurvedic principles, to walking in the serene beauty of the surrounding forest; from ritualized sauna and hydrotherapy sessions, to the soothing ambiance of the lodge; from heart-led ceremonies to tonifying sound baths, acupressure treatments and aromatherapy… you will be sumptuously nourished on every level.

  • Within a safe container you will experience the power of sacred sisterhood. You will be compassionately witnessed and held. Your full authenticity will be welcomed and celebrated. You will be deeply seen, heard, and valued for who you are. In such a container, and with my loving guidance, you will heal old wounds that have left you distrustful of other women, and of yourself in their presence. Together, with joy and reverence, we’ll honor the age-old sanctity of women gathering in small circles to collectively grieve, celebrate and heal.  


  • You want confidence. 

  • You want a loving relationship with your body.

  • You’re done with trying to “better yourself” and want to love yourself home instead. 

  • You’re ready for novelty and adventure!

  • You want to feel more present and purpose-driven.

  • You want to remember what it feels like to laugh so hard you cry. 

  • You want to feel more joyful and alive!

  • You’re tired of feeling tired.

  • You’re done with hustle culture and self-sacrifice as prerequisites to your success. 

  • You feel trapped by the needs of others.

  • You want freedom without blowing up your life.

  •  You feel tamed by responsibilities.

  • You’re done comparing yourself to other women and are ready for joyous and loving sisterhood instead!


  • Scrumptious shared meals guided by the health-enhancing wisdom of Ayurveda 

  • Radical rest classes  

  • Wood-fired sauna & cold plunging

  • Time in the serene backcountry of Vermont

  • Alchemizing fire ceremony 

  • Soaks in the cedar hot tub while mountain-gazing

  • Healing sound bath  

  • Chinese Medicine treatments to revitalize your nervous system 

  • Breakfasts in sacred silence to begin each day softly 

At Rest & Rise, You’ll learn…


She’s a master of receiving and allowing. She embodies the potency of surrender. She’ll guide you into the wild terrain of your inner world while instructing you in a language that is beyond words, the language of your deep inner knowing - your gnosis.     


Through curated ceremony and powerful coaching, learn how to transmute your most powerful emotions - grief, rage, sorrow, anger, love, and joy - into unleashed creativity and confidence, freeing you from age-old patterns that have kept you stuck.      


Learn the art of offering your talents and gifts to the world from a place of grounded abundance, rather than from a state of anxiety and depletion - the key to unlocking your unabashed joy and creativity. 

The Schedule

we begin

on Thursday afternoon (2/20) with a welcome ceremony and dinner, followed by a luxurious rest class, and conclude with a celebration circle and scrumptious brunch late morning on Sunday (2/23) 

We’ll greet each morning

in sacred circle, followed by yoga, breathwork, guided visualizations, coaching, teaching, and discussion. 

Afternoons are devoted to

rustic spa sessions, forest bathing and time for integration and solitude to rejuvenate mind, body, and spirit.

Evenings are spent

relaxing and connecting during communal meals, gathering around the fireplace, healing sound baths, and evening circles.  

What Others Are Saying…

 Molly Munson

“I just returned from a retreat in Maine that was masterfully led by Caitlin.  I honestly believe that I am forever changed by the experience.  Caitlin created a magical space for us to safely peel away the layers to allow for our authentic, free and wild selves to emerge.  She has the most beautiful heart and soul.  She genuinely loves and cares for every participant in her care.  She creates a safe environment of peace and inclusivity which allows for each person to go deeply into themselves so that they can emerge with greater love, self-compassion and understanding.”

 Karen Hergesheimer

“Caitlin set the table for safety, openness, and absolute trust where I was free to crack wide open, and transform into a more honest, true version of myself. Without her guidance and support, this experience would not have been possible. She attends to every detail, adds intention to every act, and simply delivers - what a powerhouse!”

Jan Holmes

“What an amazing retreat that was!! Caitlin and Kirstin really delivered down to every detail. I was amazed by their attention to detail and attentiveness to each person in attendance. So much love went into their planning - from the farm to fork personal chefs who prepared our delicious meals, to the guided meditations and Rest Classes, to each and every activity and adventure that they skillfully planned for us! The circle time was especially meaningful as Kirstin and Caitlin created such an emotionally safe and loving container for us to be vulnerable and speak our truth, knowing it would be met with love, compassion, and acceptance.”

Molly Claire

Caitlin and Kirstin’s retreat was amazing! I felt so taken care of - it was if every detail was catered to me.  As a single mom and a business owner, I have to find ways to take good care of myself; this retreat was the perfect way to do that!  I was able to completely let go and feel light and carefree- something I can't remember doing... Maybe ever! I felt so supported in the important changes I'm making in my life.  Kirstin and Caitlin had given special attention to every detail and it MADE the experience. Thank you for such a nourishing and uplifting weekend!  The impact of those 3 days on my everyday life continues to amaze me.  If any part of you feels called to join one of their retreats - don't think twice, it will be one of the best decisions you'll make!

Ali Hahn

The Wild & Free retreat was pivotal in my growth, and Caitlin's dedication to each of our paths is felt. She authentically empowers each person to claim their authenticity. She means every word she says, whether in a teaching, a reflection, feedback or encouragement. Her grounded, warm and unwavering support created safety in the retreat space. She is incredibly inspiring in her whole-hearted devotion to help people find their authentic alignment, and most wild inner freedom. Can't thank her enough!”

Trina Webster

“I’ve seen therapists, read self-help books, and attended workshops on self-care, but nothing really stuck until I worked with Caitlin. The BEST use of my time, energy and money!”

Ella Zona Bryant

“Caitlin is such a talented coach and community builder, with a particular gift for creating a peaceful environment. Caitlin practices what she preaches and brings to the table a broad spectrum of professional training and so many years of rich experience. If you’re looking for your next step toward greater clarity, peace and prosperity, she’s your girl!”

Meet Your


Caitlin Bourassa Dafni grew up in Freeport, Maine. Driven by adventure and exploration, Caitlin spent her late teens and 20s traveling extensively the world over, soaking up her passions for the natural world, integrative health, spirituality, and storytelling, all of which guided her journey to becoming a Transformational Coach and Yoga Instructor. She is the Founder of Rest Club, a unique offering of online classes that blend yin yoga, guided visualization, and radical rest to guide you into a profound state of relaxation where you encounter, and receive insights from, your wisest Self. Whether in private or group coaching work, or in Rest Club, Caitlin expertly blends somatic healing and active imagination to help her clients come home to, and embody, their wild and free nature. As a new mother who loves long forest walks, hot baths, reading, and meaningful conversation, Caitlin is devoted to a profound shift in human consciousness as the primary means for restoring ourselves and our planet.

Ali Rose Hahn is a native New Yorker, having grown up in the woods of a small town north of Manhattan. She is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, which encompasses acupuncture and meridian therapeutics, herbalism, medical massage and eastern nutrition theory. She is a practitioner of the Mikao Usui lineage of Traditional Japanese Reiki, and holds certifications in Integrative Health and Hatha Yoga. Having grown up close to nature, she feels deeply connected to the essence of the elements, and believes healing happens when we are most aligned with the patterns of the earth, skies and seasons. She is devoted to the healing path within each of us, whether relating to spiritual contemplations, mental-emotional wellness, or our physical health. Ali is passionate about the experience of restoration that comes through retreat and ritual, and finds the most profound healing takes place when we turn inward and reconnect with our truest self. 

Rest & Rise costs $1,888 for a shared room (with one other woman) or $2,222 for a private room… but you can join for just $1,666 (shared) or $1,999 (private) when you register by November 30th! 

Financial Investment


  • 1 payment of $1,999 available until November 30th 

  • 1 payment of $2,222 after November 30th 

  • $500 deposit upon booking, then 2 payments of $909


  • 1 payment of $1,666 available until November 30th 

  • 1 payment of $1,888 after November 30th 

  • $500 deposit upon booking, then 2 payments of $744


  • 3-day luxury retreat at a premier lodge (recently featured in the NYTimes!) including all special activities and healing treatments 

  • 3 bountiful daily meals with a focus on seasonal, local ingredients, plus fresh coffee, tea, and snacks

  • Daily meditation and mindful movement 

  • Curated Spa Experience: ceremonial sauna, cold plunge and wood-fired hot tub

  • Personalized coaching in an intimate group setting 

  • Teachings and treatments by Ali Hahn, Doctor of Chinese Medicine  

Rest & Rise: A 3-Day Retreat in the Mountains of Vermont

will nourish and care for you on every level. You’ll forge lasting friendships, access new levels of vitality, release energetic blocks, and feel more like yourself than you have in a long, long time. Your capacity to receive abundance and enjoy pleasure will expand, as your connection to yourself, to others, and to the great Beyond deepens exponentially. You’ll leave feeling fully alive, inspired, and rooted in the totality of your being!