Full Body Scary Yes.
How do you know when it’s the perfect time to hire yourself a coach?
Every time you interact with them or their content, you get a FULL BODY SCARY YES!
Full Body Scary Yes = your heart rate increases, there’s an uptick in energy with sudden feelings of hope + excitement, plus a good dose of fear because this is waaay outside your comfort zone. That still, small voice within won’t quit. AND beneath all of THAT, at your core, you feel a sense of peace.
You are trained to ignore this by culture, but your body knows where peace and freedom reside.
You can trust your body’s wisdom.
Wander down FULL BODY SCARY YES Road, and you will begin to actualize your truest, most beautiful life (sooner than you think when working with a good coach)!
I speak from experience.
Every time I’ve invested in coaching, it’s because it was a FULL BODY SCARY YES.
The scariest part for me has always been PAYING for my coaches.
Because I NEVER felt like I had the money.
But by now I know if I actually want to actualize my dream life, discomfort is a big part of the process.
There’s no transformation without growth, and there’s no growth without STREEETCHING past your comfort zone into new and brave territory!
Here’s the magical formula:
FULL BODY SCARY YES (your next growth edge)
INVESTING $$$ (skin in the game)
SHOWING UP FOR COACHING (getting really honest)
CONSISTENT ACTION (much easier when working with a coach)
I’ve worked with the most amazing coaches: Martha Beck, Kirstin Hotelling Zona, Krissy Leonard, and Allyson Sprinkel.
They’ve each helped me radically change my life for the better.
That’s the power of coaching when this formula gets activated.
My Friend, if you’re ready to go from scarcity to abundance, distill your life to its beautiful essence, expand your capacity and impact, deepen your relationships, all while sinking deeply into REST and POSITIVE EMBODIMENT so that you can live authentically and with more ease...
Well hot damn! Let’s have a Strategy Call and see if our conversation generates a FULL BODY SCARY YES for you!
If so, get ready for take off.